Create & order
your own recipes!

Add your own recipes to the Jow app and order them in one click! Magic ✨

Upload a Recipe!

You’re the


You're the chef!

Q: what do the following recipes have in common?

Your grandma’s secret Lasagna recipe

Your kid’s favorite
cheesy dish

That TikTok

You can now save them all on Jow, add them to your menu, and order them in one click!

🍒 The cherry on top:
You can also share your Jow recipes with your friends and family when they say “omg, you have to share this recipe with me!”

How does it work?

Create your recipe on Jow

Head on over to “My personal recipes” in your Jow profile to add your recipe.

Fill in : Title, ingredients, measurements and instructions.




Order in one click!

Add your new recipe to your menu and Jow will add all of your ingredients (in the correct quantities!) to your cart.

Share your recipes with your loved ones

Share your recipes with your friends and family! They can favorite your recipe to save it, and then order it too!

Create a Recipe

Some recipes that have already been created!