Salmon & Avocado Maki Rolls

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There's no better night than sushi night!

Camille C.
Camille C.

15 minutes

Prep time

17 minutes

Cook time

1 hour

Resting time

951 cal.

Per serving


Stovetop, Pot (small), Peeler, Knife


Sushi rice

Step 1

Cook the rice according to the package instructions.

Salmon (raw, sushi-grade)

Step 2

Be sure to use very fresh salmon, since it will be eaten raw!

Salmon (raw, sushi-grade)

Step 3

Discard the salmon skin. Cut the salmon into thin slices.


Step 4

Cut the avocado in half. Remove the peel & pit. Then cut the avocado into thin slices.

Rice vinegar
Sushi rice

Step 5

Once the rice is cooked, gently mix it together with the rice vinegar & a pinch of salt. Spread the rice onto a plate & refrigerate for at least 30 min.

Nori sheets (roasted seaweed)

Step 6

Then it's time to make your maki! Place a nori sheet on a bamboo sushi mat (or plastic wrap).

Nori sheets (roasted seaweed)
Sushi rice

Step 7

Keep a small bowl of water nearby. Use your fingers to spread a layer of rice over the seaweed sheet, covering all but the top third. Dip your fingers in the bowl of water if the rice sticks to your hands.

Cream cheese
Nori sheets (roasted seaweed)
Sushi rice
Salmon (raw, sushi-grade)

Step 8

Carefully smear a line of cream cheese along the middle of the rice. Then top the cream cheese with salmon & avocado slices. Add a bit of water to the top edge of the seaweed sheet, so it sticks closed after rolling.

Nori sheets (roasted seaweed)

Step 9

Starting at the bottom, tightly roll up the maki toward the top edge. Be sure it's rolled very tightly! Then press the fold closed at the top.

Step 10

Continue making the rest of your maki rolls.

Step 11

Cover the maki with plastic wrap & refrigerate for 15-30 min. Then use a sharp knife to slice them into sushi pieces.

Soy sauce

Step 12

Serve with soy sauce & enjoy!

Personal notes

Add your own flavor!

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Nutrition facts

Average estimated amount for one serving

Energy951 cal.
Fat26 g
Carbohydrates71 g
Protein28 g
Fiber5 g

Values are based on an average estimate for one serving. All nutrition information presented on Jow is intended for informational purposes only. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, please consult with a health-care professional.

On average, one serving of the recipe "Salmon & Avocado Maki Rolls" contains 951 Energy, 26 g of Fat, 71 g of Carbohydrates, 28 g of Protein, 5 g of Fiber.

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Salmon & Avocado Maki Rolls