Pesto & Broccoli Lasagna

4 reviews

100% veggie & incredibly delicious!

Camille U.
Camille U.
Very easy

8 minutes

Prep time

42 minutes

Cook time

858 cal.

Per serving


Oven, Pot (small), Stovetop, Knife


Broccoli (fresh)

Step 1

Preheat the oven to 375°F. Cut the broccoli into bite-sized florets. (If you're using dried lasagna noodles, boil to cook & set aside.)

Step 2

In a pot of salted, boiling water, cook the broccoli florets for 5-7 min.

Step 3

Once the broccoli is fork-tender, drain & transfer to a bowl. Use a fork to mash it up.

Alfredo sauce
Parmesan (grated)

Step 4

Mix in the alfredo sauce until smooth & creamy. Add the pesto, half of the parmesan, salt, pepper & mix again.

Lasagna sheets (oven-ready)

Step 5

In a baking dish, spread a layer of creamy broccoli on the bottom. Arrange two lasagna sheets on top. Repeat the process 2 more times.

Step 6

Finish with a layer of exposed creamy broccoli & top with the remaining parmesan cheese. Bake for 30-35 min at 375°F, or until the oven-ready noodles are fully cooked.

Step 7

Serve the lasagna. Enjoy!

😋 Gourmet tipMarcy

Try making pesto from scratch! Search "Homemade Basil Pesto" in the app to learn how!

- Marcy, Food Editor

Personal notes

Add your own flavor!

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Nutrition facts

Average estimated amount for one serving

Energy858 cal.
Fat55 g
Carbohydrates56 g
Protein36 g
Fiber5 g

Values are based on an average estimate for one serving. All nutrition information presented on Jow is intended for informational purposes only. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, please consult with a health-care professional.

On average, one serving of the recipe "Pesto & Broccoli Lasagna" contains 858 Energy, 55 g of Fat, 56 g of Carbohydrates, 36 g of Protein, 5 g of Fiber.

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Pesto & Broccoli Lasagna