Avocado Crunch Rolls

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Crunchy on the outside...creamy on the inside! Name a better combo!


7 minutes

Prep time

10 minutes

Cook time

675 cal.

Per serving



Knife, Air fryer


Red onion

Step 1

Peel & finely chop the onion.

Cilantro (fresh)

Step 2

Rinse & chop the cilantro.

Sun-dried tomatoes

Step 3

Chop the sun-dried tomatoes.


Step 4

Dice & scoop the avocado into a mixing bowl.

Step 5

To the same bowl, add the onion, sun-dried tomatoes, pepper & salt. Mash everything with a fork until mostly combined, but still chunky.

Flour tortilla (soft taco)

Step 6

Warm the tortillas in the microwave or on a pan over low heat for 15-30 sec. Scoop a bit of the avocado mixture onto each tortilla & roll into a mini burrito. Transfer each roll to the air fryer.

Olive oil

Step 7

Brush each roll with olive oil. Air fry at 390°F for about 10 min, rotating halfway, or until the crunch rolls are golden brown.

Sweet chili sauce

Step 8

Halve the crunch rolls & serve with sweet chili sauce for dipping. Enjoy!

Personal notes

Add your own flavor!

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Nutrition facts

Average estimated amount for one serving

Energy675 cal.
Fat36 g
Carbohydrates30 g
Protein6 g
Fiber10 g

Values are based on an average estimate for one serving. All nutrition information presented on Jow is intended for informational purposes only. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, please consult with a health-care professional.

On average, one serving of the recipe "Avocado Crunch Rolls" contains 675 Energy, 36 g of Fat, 30 g of Carbohydrates, 6 g of Protein, 10 g of Fiber.

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Avocado Crunch Rolls