At Home Hibachi Steak & Fried Rice

27 avis

Bring your favorite hibachi flavors home with you! Onion volcano not included :-)


6 minutes


18 minutes


752 kcal

Par portion


Plaques de cuisson, Poêle, Couteau


Carotte (frais)

Étape 1

Peel the carrot. Small dice half of the carrot & thinly slice the other half.

Brocoli (frais)

Étape 2

Wash the broccoli. Cut the florets off of the head of broccoli & chop half of the florets into small pieces.


Étape 3

Wash the zucchini. Small dice half of the zucchini & thinly slice the other half.

Oignon jaune

Étape 4

Peel the onion. Thinly slice half of the onion & small dice the other half.

Huile de colza

Étape 5

Heat a drizzle of oil in a frying pan on medium-high heat. Add the steak & season with salt & pepper. Sear the steak for 3-4 min, then flip & cook for an additional 3-4 min or until cooked to your liking. Remove the steak from the pan & let it rest.

Sauce soja salée
Sauce Teriyaki
Sauce piment (Sriracha)

Étape 6

In the same pan, add the larger cut vegetables: onion, zucchini, carrot & broccoli. Add half of the soy sauce, teriyaki sauce & sriracha sauce (optional). Add a splash of water to the veggies & stir. Cover & cook for 4-5 min. Remove the veggies from the pan & set aside.

Riz (cuit)

Étape 7

In the same pan, add another drizzle of oil. Add the small cut veggies: carrot, zucchini, onion & broccoli. Add the cooked white rice & stir. Add the remaining soy sauce & sriracha sauce (optional). Add another drizzle of oil if needed & fry the rice for 3-4 min or until the veggies are cooked well.


Étape 8

Make a well in the center of the pan. Add a drizzle of oil & crack the egg in. Quickly stir the egg & cook for 1 min. Then stir the rice into the egg & cook for another 2-3 min.

Étape 9

Serve the rice with the cooked veggies & sliced steak. Top the steak with the remaining teriyaki sauce. Enjoy!

Notes perso

Votre grain de sel dans la recette !

Désactiver la veille

Valeurs nutritionnelles

Valeurs estimées moyennes pour une portion

Calories752 kcal
Matières grasses22 g
Glucides90 g
Protéines43 g
Fibres7 g

Les valeurs sont basées sur une estimation moyenne pour une portion. Toutes les informations nutritionnelles présentées sur Jow sont uniquement à titre informatif. Si vous avez des préoccupations ou des questions concernant votre santé, veuillez consulter un professionnel de la santé.

En moyenne, une portion de la recette "At Home Hibachi Steak & Fried Rice" contient 752 Calories, 22 g de Matières grasses, 90 g de Glucides, 43 g de Protéines, 7 g de Fibres.

27 avis
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At Home Hibachi Steak & Fried Rice