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💸 How does Jow help me save money?

Talking about money can be weird, but not to us. Times are crazy right now and saving anywhere you can makes a big difference. Jow helps you save money in a few ways.

  • When you add a recipe to your cart, Jow only fills your shopping list with the quantities required for the recipe, so you’re only buying what you need #byefoodwaste not #buyfoodwaste

  • We also have a filter if you only want to see the cheapest items

  • You can easily add and remove grocery items based on what you already have in your pantry (we’re not really the “upselling” type)

  • When you shop through Jow, you’re not tempted by the candy aisle :-)

  • Time is money, right? Instead of getting in the car, driving to the store, walking inside, getting a cart, etc. etc. etc., Jow creates your menu plan and allows you to shop for your groceries from anywhere (yep, even at a baseball game, swim meet, or airport terminal).

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