Classic American Potato Salad

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Sure, there's a time & place for green salads, but classic potato salad is perfect just the way it is ;-)

Très facile

16 minutes


15 minutes


15 minutes


287 kcal

Par portion


Couteau, Casserole, Plaques de cuisson


Pommes de terre (primeur)

Étape 1

Pro-tip: this recipe is best made a few hours before serving! To start, clean & halve the baby potatoes. (No need to peel!) Add the potatoes to a large pot. Cover the potatoes with cold water & season generously with salt. Set the pot over medium-high heat & bring to a boil. Once boiling, reduce to a simmer. Cook for 10-15 min, until fork-tender.

Oignon jaune

Étape 2

As the potatoes cook, peel & small dice the onion.

Cornichon à l'aneth

Étape 3

Finely chop the dill pickles.

Vinaigre de cidre

Étape 4

Once the potatoes are tender or easily pierced with a knife or fork, drain & transfer to a large bowl. Splash in the apple cider vinegar & toss to coat the potatoes, gently smashing the pieces as you go. Let the potatoes cool completely.


Étape 5

In a small bowl, combine the chopped onions, pickles, mustard, paprika & mayo. Mix it all together. Chill the dressing until the potatoes have cooled.

Étape 6

Add the mayo mixture to the cooled potatoes. Mix until the potatoes are evenly coated, smashed, but still a bit chunky. Cover & chill the potato salad until it's time to serve! Enjoy!

Astuce recetteHannah

To make this the "old-fashioned" way, add grated hard-boiled eggs to the mix! Some chopped celery stalks also add the perfect crunch!

- Hannah, Créatrice de recettes

Notes perso

Votre grain de sel dans la recette !

Désactiver la veille

Valeurs nutritionnelles

Valeurs estimées moyennes pour une portion

Calories287 kcal
Matières grasses21 g
Glucides23 g
Protéines3 g
Fibres3 g

Les valeurs sont basées sur une estimation moyenne pour une portion. Toutes les informations nutritionnelles présentées sur Jow sont uniquement à titre informatif. Si vous avez des préoccupations ou des questions concernant votre santé, veuillez consulter un professionnel de la santé.

En moyenne, une portion de la recette "Classic American Potato Salad" contient 287 Calories, 21 g de Matières grasses, 23 g de Glucides, 3 g de Protéines, 3 g de Fibres.

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Classic American Potato Salad