Squash & Goat Cheese Tart

Squash & Goat Cheese Tart

10 minutesPrep time

35 minutesCook time

5 minutesResting time

437 cal.Per serving

Ingredients for 1 tart

Puff pastry


Puff pastry

Butternut squash


Butternut squash

Red onion


Red onion

Goat's cheese

1 oz

Goat's cheese


Oven, Parchment paper, Pie pan, Sheet Tray, Rolling pin, Knife


  • Step 1
    Be sure to follow the puff pastry package instructions! Preheat the oven to 400°F. Use a rolling pin to roll out the puff pastry sheet on a piece of parchment paper. Transfer the dough & parchment to a pie pan or round baking dish.
  • Step 2
    Trim any extra dough from around the edges (if necessary). Then pierce the surface several times with a fork.
  • Step 3
    Pre-bake the crust for 5 min at 400°F, or according to the package instructions.
  • Step 4
    Chop off the ends of the squash & scoop out the seeds. Thinly slice the squash.
  • Step 5
    Peel & thinly slice the onion.
  • Step 6
    Add the squash & onion to a baking tray. Drizzle with oil. Season with salt & pepper. Mix it all together.
  • Step 7
    Remove the crust from the oven, setting it aside to cool.
  • Step 8
    Bake the squash & onion for 15 min at 400°F, or until the squash is fork-tender.
  • Step 9
    Season the cooled puff pastry with salt & pepper.
  • Step 10
    Remove the veggies from the oven. Arrange them in the tart in a single layer.
  • Step 11
    Crumble the goat cheese over the veggies.
  • Step 12
    Season with salt & pepper. Bake for 10-15 min at 400°F, or according to the package instructions.
  • Step 13
    Let the tart cool slightly before slicing. Enjoy!